Inserting Cards
These includes cards, fillers, and member cards. If you wish to trade cards with someone, but don't want to upload cards or direct link to your server, here are some of the BBcodes you can use.
Code: Select all
Please note that this BBcode is for individual cards only, so do not try to put more than one card in between the brackets or it will not work. Make sure that you type the deck names as exactly as what it is shown in the cards page.
To insert a filler, just type the deck name or deck type of your chosen filler like the code below:
Code: Select all
For the basic and forum member cards, there's no need to add the mc- or the fm- prefix before the name since it's in the code also, and the code is:
Code: Select all
Inserting Other Items
These includes the other TCG collateral of Moon Crystal.
To insert a currency or other things, make sure to type the correct file names (currencies: moon points, SMdoll). The code for this is:
Code: Select all
And for the coupons, make sure to type the correct file name. You can check the file names on the coupons page. (Page is WIP) The code for the coupon is:
Code: Select all