General Info Level up System
Deck Masteries
Trade Cards
Crystal Store Donations
Member Decks
TCG Theme
Moon Crystal is an Sailor Moon and it's media TCG. So We will be posting decks of it's characters, Scenes, Attacks and such.Card Types | ||
The regular (worth 0) decks consist of decks that fall under six different categories - character decks, attacks decks, scene decks, opening decks, ending decks, group/pairing decks, transformations decks and puzzle decks. |
Special (worth 0) decks consist mostly of Holiday decks and themed decks. Themed decks are typically member-created, although that isn't always the case as we do allow members to donate 1 special deck per month. | |
Member cards are worth zero (0) toward your card count but are allowed to be counted toward your trade cards when you trade them away for other member cards. You can claim rewards for every 10 Member Cards cards that you collect. |
Event cards are worth zero (0) toward your card count and may not be traded with other members. You can claim rewards for every 10 event cards that you collect. |
Regarding Update and Update Freebies
Moon Crystal regularly updates weekly on Thursdays which will include a deck release, granted wishes, and other important information and reminders we want players to know.As for the update freebies, for all members, expire after the next update. If you join after an update, you can not pull any until you are fully active on the site.
Planned events are currently being worked on but we will do events planed on holidays. But if you wish to help us out, let us know over on the forums.Achievements
After reaching certain milestones, members are eligible to apply for achievement plaques. Aside from event participation plaques, all achievement-related milestones will have their own topic in the Achievement Plaques forum. Just so you all know, Staff will be the ones to add them to your profile.
Examples of achievement plaques can be seen below.